
Career and Growth Development at Diventures

Just like Diventures promotes growth and development for our students and divers, we also do our best to develop our team members who work behind the scenes to make every lesson and course a success.

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Local Dive and Swim Shops

The busiest shopping season of the year is upon us, and while you visit the big-box retail stores and online sites, consider also making a stop at the local small businesses in your area.

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Sustainable Dive Tourism in Curaçao

At Diventures, we are positive advocates for the health of our oceans and waterways. We create awareness through our various media platforms, we provide education through our Kids Ecology classes and we help support conservation through our partnerships with SECORE International and our community zoos and waterways.

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Diventures Network of Divers Working Together for the Future of our Waterways

Who says picking up trash can’t be fun? At Diventures, we make it a priority to be positive advocates for the health of our oceans and waterways. One way we put these words into action is by attending lake cleanups in our communities! Whether we are above or below the surface, we know the importance of keeping our waterways clean for all to enjoy.

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6 Shipwrecks with Haunting Histories

Diving through a shipwreck is like traveling back in time. While some wrecks were sunk as artificial reefs, others met tragic endings during wars. Each shipwreck has a story to tell, some more haunting than others.

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Putting Passion into Action

At Diventures our vision is "Using our passion and the power of water to impact lives, change the world... and have fun doing it!" Here at Diventures we believe that everyone deserves to learn how to swim and enjoy the water.

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